Black & white conversion
The Black & White tool allows you to convert a color photo into a black-and-white photo.
Additionally, you can control the conversion as if a colored filter were placed in front of the lens when the photo was taken.
Note: A filter of a certain color actually filters out its complementary color (the color directly across from it in the color wheel).
For example, a yellow filter filters out blue light (because blue is directly across from yellow). Therefore, you can usually increase contrast in the sky by using a yellow filter because it filters out the blue of the sky thus making the sky darker compared to clouds.
To convert a color photo to black-and-white:
- Click the black & white tool button in the tool bar. (A new black & white tool will appear at the top of the tool stack.)
- To apply a colored filter, click in the color wheel. (For example, clicking somewhere in the yellow part of the color wheel applies yellow filter.)
- Adjust the Strength slider to increase or decrease the strength (and thus effect) of the tool.
- Optionally:
- Create a mask using regions.
- Select a different blend mode.
- Adjust the Opacity slider.
- Make a color/luminosity selection.