Adjusting white balance
The White Balance tool allows you to adjust the white balance and tint of your photo to compensate for a color cast in the light source such as the blue cast of the sky or tungsten lighting.
Note: For raw photos, you should use the Temperature and Tint sliders of the Raw Adjustments tool instead.
To adjust the white balance of your photo:
- Click the white balance tool button in the tool bar. (A new white balance tool will appear at the top of the tool stack.)
- Do either of the following:
- Use the Temperature and Tint sliders to adjust the white balance and tint.
- Click the eyedropper button inside the tool (the mouse will change to an eyedropper), then click somewhere on your photo that you want to be neutral gray. (Your photo’s colors will then shift accordingly.) When satisfied with the color cast reduction, click the eyedropper button again to complete the adjustment.
- Optionally:
- Create a mask using regions.
- Select a different blend mode.
- Adjust the Opacity slider.
- Make a color/luminosity selection.